Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Day to Remember!

I don't know where to start.... Today at Northside has been a day to remember. Jason spoke about baptism this morning. We have been preparing all weekend for a spontaneous baptism to follow the message. I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and bought clothes and undergarments in every size. We bought deoderant, hair products, everything someone would need to redress after being baptized. Make-up samples were provided for the women. We were ready to dispell anyone's excuse. God did not let us down. In all there were 15 baptized today (some children were not spontaneous, but we had several adults that were). There was so much excitement. Over 200 in the second service! It is so exciting to be in on what God is doing at Northside!


  1. Amen to it being exciting to be where God is doing a fantastic work. Great to be part of a church under the leaders who listen and obey God in faith even if nothing happened. Obeying is utmost. HOWEVER WOW this morning was just so exciting and I was so thankful to be part of it. TO see those big smiles and know the fulfillment in their lives was so rewarding. Thanks Casey and Jason for stepping out in faith and putting into action the command to make disciples and to baptize!

  2. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of an AWESOME service Sunday! We miss you guys so very much in Danville,however, we are very proud and excited about what you are a part of in Georgia. Hope to see you again soon!
